Three faceWearing of this rudraksha frees the person from bondages of his past birth karma and paves way for success by deeds in this birth. It is said that the wearer of 3 mukhi never takes birth again, means he gets Moksha. Wearer is released from past memories of hurt, shame, anger, low self esteem and he rises and shines to reveal his illuminated true pure self . Heals stomach and liver ailments.
Based on your
Planets: Mars
Deity: Agni (Fire)
Those with the following astrology may find more benefit in wearing this bead.
Hindu Nakshetras: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishtha Western sun signs: Rassi: Mesha, Karka, Sinh, Meena |
For health |
Rudrakshas with this number of faces have been found to be beneficial to people suffering from the following illnesses. Please remember these are not a cure but they may help in conjunction with the treatments you are receiving from your doctor.
Organs: Throat, celiac plexus
Illness: Infection of the blood, blood pressure, cholera, ulcer, swellings, weekness, eye protection, cleansing arteries, disorders of the sex glands and adrenal glands and cold (practically used in all health problems)