Recently many forwarded messages on WhatsApp groups that show where accidents happened and people died. Also quite a number of people expressing their desires to commit suicide and also quite number of them committed suicide due to relationship, financial and other reasons.
First we must understand the basics that is who we are really. Are we the name that we carry ourself Siva, Muthu, Devi, Vani etc ? Are we the title that we carry Dr, Profesor, Dato, Datuk Seri , Tan Sri etc? Are we the position that we hold in the company Manager, General Manager, Director etc? Are we the owner of the company, society, organization etc ? All the questions above and the positions and titles are legitimate as long as we are alive. When we are dead, everything becomes null and void. What matters, what you carry to the next birth is your deeds, good and bad, that is the bank balance debit and credit that matters.
So who are we actually? The true You is that You are the Atma, the soul, divine being with divine light that came from God and are on the journey going back to God and which never dies. What dies is the physical body which forms the sheath or the layer for the soul which helps in the evolution of the soul in this physical world which is called Bhuloka. When we die, we leave the physical body and the soul with other bodies astral and: mental body continue to live in the second world Devaloka.
The second point is birth death and rebirth are the natural law of the universal or God. The soul will reincarnate to go through it's suitcase of karmas that was brought with them to this world. Once they have fulfilled the karmas, the soul will leave the physical body which we call death. It continues it's journey in the inner world. If the suitcase of karma that we carried this world is not settled due to our action of committing suicide our suitcase karmas are " back logged" and soul' s evolution is also back logged. Remember that our souls have taken thousands of births to evolve towards God. Only through the process of birth death and rebirth that the soul can attain maturity and self realization or God realization. We must understand this and teach to ourselves and our kids too that birth and death are very natural and it's a happy occasion.
Don't get upset when someone in your family members, relatives or friends died due to natural disaster, terminal illness etc. Accept it.Of course you will miss them and you will be sad that they are not a part of your life anymore, grief due to changes in our lives is a natural response and you need to give yourself time to grieve for them and for yourself and the changes their leaving will cause for you. However they have only moved away they still love you and you will see them again in a different form or a different body. Those who know that they are dying have a great gift they can take this chance to resolve all the misunderstandings and hurt feelings with others and forgive them and to gain forgiveness for their past actions. This will help resolve many of the karmas you created in your life.
Hoping that the above information enlighten all of you.
Om Santhi. Om Namasivaya.
Sivajnani Nagappan
+6012 9259495