Darpanam which is the rituals that we do for our ancestors is the technology we use to resolve our karmic debts in the areas of finance, health and relationships.
On this day you could do it in the temple where it is conducted by the chief priest in certain temples that includes Puchong Sivan Temple 012 236 7063, at a waterfall some were near Batu Caves Rawang area contact info is 018 382 1230 Harish or if you can"t, you could do it at home. See my previous post on how to do it.
If you know if other places that are doing post the info in the comments below.
On this day our ancestors who have been staying in our house for past 14 days are going back to the ancestral world called Pitruloka.
Be vegetarian that means no chicken mutton eggs or fish. Serve the less fortunate people (Example, Give a few Ringet to the old lady or old man selling tissues or buy a packet of rice for the man living on the streets) It doesn't have to be a lot of money but give without the thought of getting it back and just because you can and know that someday that could be you or your family and you would want others to help, feed the poor, animals like dogs, birds, cats, fish etc.
May your life will be elevated to the next level and all your financial problems, your relationship problems and your health issues are resolved and you will have an abundance and blissful life.
Om Namasivaya
Sivajnani Nagappan