Vanakam to all precious Atma,
Today is an important day , the 10th.day after 9 nights of Navarathri. It is a day of victory against the darkness of ignorance.
The 10 ignorance's or undesired qualities are :
1. Kama ( Lust )
Refers to any desire, wish, passion, longing, pleasure of the senses, the aesthetic enjoyment of life, affection, or love, with or without sexual connotations.
2. Krodha ( Anger )
Being emotional and anger and impatience with situation and people
3. Moha ( Attachment )
Attachment to desires and likeliness
4. Lobha ( Greed )
Being greedy in terms of money , possesion and wealth
5. Mada ( Over Pride )
Feeling of excessive proudness
6. Matsara (Jealousy )
Don't feel good for other peoples's success or achievement
7. Swartha ( Selfishness )
Always think about themselves or "I'ness"
8. Anyaaya ( Injustice )
Being not fair or just and bias
9. Amanavta ( Cruelty )
Being unkind to people , animals and all living things
10. Ahamkara ( Ego )
Being the sense of Ego, I can do anything to anyone at anytime.
On this day also you can start something new, in the area of education, business or work. The child who is going to start to learn in the kindergarten or at home, will officially start to learn by writing the alphabets on a tray with rice and do the ceremony at home or in the temple.
Those craftspeople and artists too get their tools to be blessed on this day.
Please share with your friends in FB and WHATS APP.
May all of you achieve success and victory in all your endeavors.
Om Shanti.
Serve above self
Sivajnani Nagappan